When it comes to designing a totally unique piece of furniture for your business, a custom console presents many opportunities to express the company through design features. Whether you’re looking for a practically designed desk that meets the needs of a complex role within the organisation, or something that’s more style than substance, our team of master craftsmen can help make the vision a reality. We’ve spent almost 30 years designing and building custom consoles and have put together a guide to the best design ideas!
Moving Parts
Modern custom consoles can make the most of moving parts, either in the form of height adjustability or roll away keyboard trays and such. These practical additions to desks make them styled for comfort, allowing different members of staff to configure it to their liking. What’s more, by tucking away keyboards, mice and even workloads once the working day is finished, the office will look tidier, more professional and be generally a nice place to be.
Colourful Creations
Custom consoles can make use of many different types of colour, from one solid block, accented trims, multiple hues or even panelling. There are a number of ways to incorporate colour into the design, such as using company colours to reflect business values, printing the logo onto the desk itself or even just branching out beyond the usual greyscale colour palettes most offices make use off.
Shapely Systems
When most people think of a desk, they think of a rectangular or square installation, or perhaps a curved one, but our custom consoles are not limit to these rigid structures! Depending on the size or shape of the room the desk is destined for, it may be more practical or just aesthetically pleasing to play around with shapes. Circular, angular, or even reconfigurable desks can be quite popular and are great for multiple people to use at once.