How to Layout Furniture for Editing Rooms

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There are no set rules when it comes to styling an edit suite, but for most employees working in post-production, it’s important that they are accessible, formatted for speed and equipped with all the tools necessary for their trade. In a 24-hour environment where ratings are fiercely fought for, it’s increasingly important that they can turn over a project in minimal time, with maximum flare. So how can furniture for editing rooms accommodate the role?

Create Comfort

With long stints sat staring at multiple screens, it’s important that those in post-production are comfortable, so that repetitive strain injuries are minimised, and related illnesses are warned off. Furniture for editing rooms should ideally be adjustable to the heights of different staff members so that they can see the minute details on each screen without craning or squinting. Our Digi Height Adjustable Desk System embodies exactly this, allowing for monitors to be placed in a raised position suited to the editors and featuring electrical adjustment for quick and easy adjustments.

Nurture Neatness

It’s fair to say that most post-production positions require creativity to flourish, and so perpetuating an environment, where these employees can think freely, is key to a successful piece. For this reason, furniture for editing rooms should have ample space for storing monitors, hard drives and cables, without causing too much distraction or cluttering up the place. Our entire range of edit desks come with carefully designed compartments for housing all of these things, with cables neatly directed, out of site.

Adding Extras

If you’re in need of extra space for storing the necessary equipment we can include a range of additional extras to complement edit desks. Monitor arms can be extremely effective when it comes to clearing desk space and when coupled with rack bays, acoustic racks and media storage units, everything can be stored in its own place, eliminating clutter altogether.

To see our full range of edit desks visit our website.

radio studio furniture with mixing bays

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