How a Custom Reception Desk Makes a Lasting Impact

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It’s said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression, and this is especially true in the world of business. Your reception area is often the very first interaction a visitor has with your company, and with this in mind, your reception desk takes on a crucial role.  it’s more than just a piece of furniture, its part of your strategy for showcasing your brand to visitors and clients. When thinking about this aspect, bespoke reception desks are an invaluable asset. Here at Knotty Ash Woodworking, we can design bespoke reception desks which highlight your brand identity while also remaining ergonomic and functional for workers.

A custom made reception desk allows you to design a piece that embodies your company’s personality. Keep in mind your brand colours, logo, and overall aesthetic, and what you want your customers to take away from your business. A custom design ensures your reception area seamlessly reflects your brand, creating a sense of professionalism.

Receptionists have specific needs, and a well designed desk can help to improve their efficiency and workflow. Its important to consider features like built in storage for paperwork and supplies, ergonomic features for comfort, adjustable desk heights, and integrated cable management systems for a clean and organised look. Every square foot of your reception area is valuable, and custom desk can be designed to fit the specific dimensions of your space and make the most of every square footage. This allows for optimal traffic flow and ensures a comfortable experience for both visitors and staff.

A custom made desk speaks volumes about your attention to detail and commitment to excellence. High-quality materials and expert craftsmanship create a sense of luxury and sophistication that reflects well on your brand.

To find out more about our custom reception desks and how we can help your business, get in touch with us today on 01799 531202 or email [email protected].

salon reception desk with LED under lighting

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