Working at a media desk often requires long hours of looking at a screen, working in teams huddled around a desk and can be stressful in the run-up to deadlines. All of these issues combined can result in poor posture which is not only harmful to employee health but can also negatively impact productivity levels and quality of output. In the game where creative content is currency, can media companies afford for employee discomfort? We’ve put together some tips for crafting an ergonomic workspace that inspires productivity.
Perfect Arrangements
Most office workers are well aware that the best seating position calls for a straight back, computer screen at arm’s length and the top of the monitor being at eye-line, but few have a desk that is set up to replicate these conditions. Installing media desks with raised monitor shelves helps to ensure that employees sit with the correct posture, making them more comfortable and less prone to work-related illnesses. A properly aligned desk can also promote focus and lead to higher quality output over time.
Tidy Storage
Studies have shown that employees work best when they have the items they use daily at their desk, but nothing else. Of course, with ever-changing projects in the media industry, it’s easy for media desks to become cluttered with release forms, files, tapes and paperwork can easily mount up. Supplying media desks that has ample under desk storage can help eliminate distracting clutter on the surface and reduce distractions.
Natural Lighting
In offices, making the most of natural lighting can be difficult with lots of people to fit in, it’s not always possible to position media desks near to a window. The type of lighting in an office directly impacts productivity levels and if it’s not possible for natural light in all corners of the office, desk lamps that emulate natural light are a good investment.
To learn more about the types of media desk we can create, call our team on 01799 531 202.